Tomasz Czarnota, Archives of Oceania in George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and archives of the Polish United Workers' Party. An attempt of comparative analysis
Dariusz Magier, Local Party Labor Center in Radzyń Podlaski (1982-1989) - an element of the organization structure of the Polish United Workers' Party, documents creator, archival fonds
Wanda K. Roman, Archives of the Polish Armed Forces in the West
Agnieszka Rosa, Educational activity of archives in archival training at the Nicolaus Copernicus University
Magdalena Wiśniewska-Drewniak, The Digital Archive of Łódź Citizens and the Community Archive of Bronowice - a comparative study of two digital community archives
Bartłomiej Konopa, A website as an archival material
Marta Różyńska, Electronic documents in personal papers - an example of personal papers of Stanisław Gorgolewski
Monika Weiss, Growing electronic documents created by researchers
Hadrian Ciechanowski, The royal chancery of Stanislaus Leszczyński in 1705-1710. Outline of the issue

The 6th Spring Archival Meeting “records Management in research, teaching and practice”. Torun, April 21st-22nd, 2016, (Katarzyna Pepłowska)
The 24th National Assembly of History Students. The archival panel. Krakow, April 22nd, 2016, (Marcin Smoczyński)
The 1st International Research and Teaching Seminar entitled "Current problems of archival science and records management". Lublin, Mai 21st, 2016, (Andrij Kobylańskij, Paulina Opoka)
The 7th Warsaw Archival Picnic. A report on Staszic Palace. Warsaw, June 11th, 2016, (Dorota Piętka-Hadała)
National Conference of Archivists and Historians “Educare necesse est... But how and why?” Warsaw, June 21st-22nd, 2016, (Dariusz Chyła, Hadrian Ciechanowski)
The 3rd Forum of Archival Educators. Warszawa, June 23rd, 2016, (Elżbieta Czajka)
A report on participation of the Polish Academy of Sciences Archive in Warsaw in the 20th Science Festival in Staszic Palace. Warsaw, October 1st, 2016, (Dorota Piętka-Hadała)

An archivist in uprising Żoliborz. Diary of Piotr Bańkowski from the ego-documental perspective, (Kamila Siuda)
Adam G. Dąbrowski, Kancelaria Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych w Warszawie w latach 1918-1939, Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw, Warsaw 2015, pp. 344, (Marek Konstankiewicz)
Teresa Filipczak, Kancelaria Sejmu i Rady Państwa oraz archiwum w latach [1944] 1952-1989, Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Warsaw 2015, pp. 368, (Robert Degen)
Komputeryzacja i digitalizacja w archiwach, ed. R. Leśkiewicz, A. Żeglińska, Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, (Symposia Archivistica, vol. II), Warsaw 2016, pp. 166, (Monika Cołbecka)
Stefan Lehr, Pewna prawie zapomniana "akcja na Wschodzie". Niemieccy archiwiści w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie i Komisariacie Rzeszy Ukraina, transl. M. Gąsowska, Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Warsaw 2014, pp. 456, (Maciej Szukała)
Karol Maciejko, Archiwum Kościelne w Brodnicy. Historia oraz analiza zasobu na tle dziejów miasta i parafii farnej, State Archives in Olsztyn, (Prace Historyczno-Archiwalne Archiwum Państwowego w Olsztynie, vol. 1), Olsztyn 2015, pp. 183, (Mateusz Zmudziński)
PRL Grażyny Rutowskiej. Fotografie z Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego, National Digital Archives in Warsaw, Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Warsaw 2015, pp. 205, (Marlena Jabłońska)
Marcin Starzyński, Średniowieczny Kazimierz, jego ustrój i kancelaria, "Societas Vistulana" Scientific Society, Cracow 2015, pp. 183, (Artur Wójtowicz)
Arguments over Polish evacuation and German plunder of the St. Mary's Altar by Veit Stoss during the World War 2. Reflection on book: Stanisław Waltoś, "Grabież ołtarza Wita Stwosza", Wolters Kluwer SA, Warsaw 2015, pp. 407, (Dariusz Matelski)

Copyright by Wiesław Nowosad, Robert Degen