Magdalena Wiśniewska - American archivists on oral history – review of the subject of texts published in the second half of the 20th century in pages of "The American Archivist"
Andrzej Buczyło - Archival materials concerning princes Trubecki in the fonds Warsaw Archives of the Radziwiłł Family – origins and typology
Adam Grzegorz Dąbrowski - Technical documentation from 1919 to 1939 in the fonds of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stored in the holding of the Central Archives of Modern Records
Marcin Maruszak - Some problems of selecting and classifying records of the communist period in following the regulations of articles 25 and 27 of the act from 18th December 1998 on the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation between 2007 and 2012
Hanna Staszewska, Wojciech Woźniak - Electronic records in state archives – results of a survey conducted in May 2015
Agnieszka Rosa - Human trace on the Internet - the issue of archiving the Web from the point of view of anthropology-oriented archival science
Marcin Wilkowski - Grassroots-based archiving of the Internet as community actions
Magdalena Wiśniewska - Digital community archives - selected examples
Marcin Frąś - The problem of content and value of users' profiles on hobby web portals
Hadrian Ciechanowski - A register of public registers
Sonia Waleszczuk - The problem of archiving the Public Information Bulletin

Nauki pomocnicze historii. Teoria, metody badań, dydaktyka, ed. A. Jaworska, R. Jop, DiG, Warszawa 2013 (Hadrian Ciechanowski)

5th Warsaw Archival Picnic (Dorota Piętka-Hadała)
Conference "Training information brokers and digital archivists", Cracow, 15-16 April 2015 (Bartosz Drzewiecki)
"Archival science and records managements" section during the 23rd National History Students' Convention in Toruń (Piotr Józefiak)
6th Warsaw Archival Picnic (Dorota Pietka-Hadała)
A report on the conference "Preservation of digital archival heritage", Toruń, 24-25 June 2015 (Hanna Staszewska)
Conference "Archives of Poland and Europe: joint heritage - different experiences" (Alicja Kulecka)

Copyright by Wiesław Nowosad, Robert Degen