Piotr Bewicz - Postmodern discourse on identity of an archivist in "The American Archivist"
Aleksander Smoliński - An attempt to assess information value of the Division II of the General Staff
of the Polish Armed Forces Archives in the context of possible description of military, economic and social situation of USSR in 1921-1939

Olga Ivanova - The directions of the antropologization of the archival science in Belarus

Krzysztof Syta - Resources for the User's Guide to the Royal Hetman's Archives in archives and library collections
Rafał Jankowski - Character study based on the conditions of employment of a Professor of Mathematics
de Toux at Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł "Rybeńko"

Marta Adamska - The current state of research on family history of Stolberg-Wernigerode Dönhoffstädt
and their archives in the State Archives in Olsztyn

Roman Majka - Notes of Karol Górski in archival collections of the Archive of the General Congregation
of Saint Michael the Archangel in Marki regarding Blessed Bronisław Markiewicz and his pupils

In memoriam and jubilee of Professor Edward Kolodziej (Wojciech Luboch, Dariusz Matelski)
Symposium "Chancery and digital archive", Warsaw, 8 February 2012 r. (Paulina Bunkowska)
Exhibition "Lux in Arcana. L'archivio Segreto Vaticano si Rivela", Capitoline Museums in Rome, 29 February - 9 September 2012 r. (Jarosław Wąsowicz)
Conference on "Multimedia and historical resources in education and research", Lublin 18-19 October 2012 (Hubert Mazur)
Notes on Professor Andrzej Tomczak's 90th Birthday commemoration (Magdalena Niedźwiedzka)
Archives of non-government organizations in Poland. Lublin, 8 November 2012 r. (Magdalena Wiśniewska)

Historia. Archiwistyka. Informacja naukowa. Prace dedykowane Profesorowi Bohdanowi Ryszewskiemu,
ed. Marzena Świgoń, Olsztyn 2009, ss.282 (Marta Adamska)
Dariusz Burczyk, Wojskowy Sąd Rejonowy w Gdańsku 1946-1955. Inwentarz idealny, Gdańsk 2012, ss. 69, CD-ROM (Katarzyna Pepłowska)
Marc Ferro, Kino i historia, Warszawa 2011, ss.292 (Magdalena Niedźwiedzka)
Marek Konstannkiewicz, Kancelaria starostw województwa lubelskiego w latach 1919-1939, Lublin 2011, ss. 256+34 nlb (Adam G. Dąbrowski)

Copyright by Wiesław Nowosad, Robert Degen