Wiesława Kwiatkowska
- Traditional model of archive holding analysis (arrangement and description)
and its meaning in contemporary times

The aim of this article is to recollect the most important principles and methods that establish the traditional model of the archival holding arrangement and description. This model was the achievement of inter-war archivists, and then was completed and concluded in the first post-war years.

In the light of the article, the basic principle that was to be respected while arrangement the acts was the principle of provenience. As its consequence, a new method of the reconstruction of archival fond appeared. The new method consisted of a number of research studies and technical procedures leading to the appointment of an archival fond to arrange and establish archival aids. The scope of arrangement works and the form of basic archival aid, that is inventory, together with hierarchical structure of other aids were established. In its general theoretical basis, outlined research method and the way of realization of particular levels of works, this procedure has been valid till today. The development of methodology that took place following years both broadened and modified some of the arrangements of Polish classic archivists. The evolution in the understanding of the provenience principle together with the related fond notion took place. The detailed methodology developed and it adjusted a general model to the specific nature of arrangement of defined types of fonds and records.

Separate norms of inventory for particular types of records were established. The increasing negative phenomenon of questioning contemporary theoretical and methodological achievements, accompanied by the lack of appropriate knowledge in this field, influenced the decision to take up this issue in this piece of work.

Copyright by Wiesław Nowosad, Robert Degen