Archives - Chanceries - Collections, vol. 1, 2005 (summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, t. 2, 2008 (streszczenia),
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, vol. 2, 2008 (table of contents)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 1 (3), 2010
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 1 (3), 2010 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 2 (4), 2011
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 2 (4), 2011 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 3 (5), 2012
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 3 (5), 2012 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 4 (6), 2013
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 4 (6), 2013 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 5 (7), 2014
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 5 (7), 2014 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 6 (8), 2015
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 6 (8), 2015 (table of contents and summaries)
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, nr 7 (9), 2016
Archives - Chanceries - Collections, no 7 (9), 2016 (table of contents and summaries)