The beautiful thing about a statistical analysis is that,
when done right, it includes the odds of being incorrect.

About me

I am an associate professor at the Institute of Astronomy of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland.

My research focus is on the high-energy astrophysical phenomena, like gamma-ray bursts or blazars. In particular, I employ a range of time series analysis techniques to investigate their variability properties in order to connect them to physical characteristics.

In addition to this primary line of research, I am also interested in: My earliest research (PhD topic) was on the chaotic rotational dynamics of Hyperion, a highly aspherical moon of Saturn.

Pillars of Creation
Crab Nebula


  1. Continuous Filament Network of the Local Universe
    A. Tugay & M. Tarnopolski
    Astrophysical Journal, 952, 3, 14 pp., 2023 (Open Access)
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  2. Graph-based clustering of gamma-ray bursts
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657, A13, 8 pp., 2022 (Open Access)
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  3. How does the shape of gamma-ray bursts' pulses affect the duration distribution?
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(1), 1450, 8 pp., 2021
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  4. A Comprehensive Power Spectral Density Analysis of Astronomical Time Series. II.
    The Swift/BAT Long Gamma-Ray Bursts

    M. Tarnopolski & V. Marchenko
    Astrophysical Journal, 911, 20, 17 pp., 2021 (Open Access)
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  5. Searching for signatures of chaos in γ-ray light curves of selected Fermi-LAT blazars
    O. Ostapenko, M. Tarnopolski, N. Żywucka & J. Pascual-Granado
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(2), 2750, 7 pp., 2021
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  6. A Comprehensive Power Spectral Density Analysis of Astronomical Time Series. I.
    The Fermi-LAT Gamma-Ray Light Curves of Selected Blazars

    M. Tarnopolski, N. Żywucka, V. Marchenko & J. Pascual-Granado
    Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 250, 1, 45 pp., 2020 (Open Access)
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  7. Can the Cosmological Dilation Explain the Skewness in the Gamma-Ray Burst Duration Distribution?
    Astrophysical Journal, 897, 77, 7 pp., 2020 (Open Access)
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  8. Optical Variability Modeling of Newly Identified Blazar Candidates behind Magellanic Clouds
    N. Żywucka, M. Tarnopolski, M. Böttcher, Ł. Stawarz & V. Marchenko
    Astrophysical Journal, 888, 107, 18 pp., 2020 (Open Access)
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  9. Analytical representation of Gaussian processes in the A—T plane
    Physical Review E, 100, 062144, 12 pp., 2019
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  10. Multivariate Analysis of BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Properties Using Skewed Distributions
    Astrophysical Journal, 887, 97, 9 pp., 2019 (Open Access)
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  11. Analysis of the Duration–Hardness Ratio Plane of Gamma-Ray Bursts Using Skewed Distributions
    Astrophysical Journal, 870, 105, 9 pp., 2019 (Open Access)
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  12. Gamma-ray burst prompt correlations
    M. G. Dainotti, R. Del Vecchio & M. Tarnopolski
    Advances in Astronomy, 2018:4969503, 31 pp., 2018 (Open Access)
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  13. Correlation between the Hurst exponent and the maximal Lyapunov exponent: Examining some low-dimensional conservative maps
    Physica A, 490, 834, 11 pp., 2018
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  14. Testing the anisotropy in the angular distribution of Fermi/GBM gamma-ray bursts
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(4), 4819, 13 pp., 2017 (Open Access)
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  15. Rotation of an oblate satellite: Chaos control
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 606, A43, 9 pp., 2017 (Open Access)
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  16. Influence of a second satellite on the rotational dynamics of an oblate moon
    Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 127(2), 121, 18 pp., 2017 (Open Access)
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  17. On the relationship between the Hurst exponent, the ratio of the mean square successive difference to the variance, and the number of turning points
    Physica A, 461, 662, 12 pp., 2016
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  18. Analysis of gamma-ray burst duration distribution using mixtures of skewed distributions
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(2), 2024, 8 pp., 2016 (Open Access)
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  19. Analysis of the observed and intrinsic durations of gamma-ray bursts with known redshift
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 361:125, 13 pp., 2016 (Open Access)
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  20. Analysis of the observed and intrinsic durations of Swift/BAT gamma-ray bursts
    New Astronomy, 46, 54, 6 pp., 2016
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  21. Distinguishing short and long Fermi gamma-ray bursts
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(1), 1132, 8 pp., 2015 (Open Access)
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  22. On the limit between short and long GRBs
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 359:20, 5 pp., 2015 (Open Access)
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  23. Analysis of Fermi gamma-ray burst duration distribution
    Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, A29, 6 pp., 2015 (Open Access)
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  24. On Atwood's Machine with a Nonzero Mass String
    The Physics Teacher, 53(8), 494, 3 pp., 2015
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  25. Nonlinear time-series analysis of Hyperion's lightcurves
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 357:160, 12 pp., 2015 (Open Access)
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  26. On the fractal dimension of the Duffing attractor
    Romanian Reports in Physics, 66(3), 907, 11 pp., 2014 (Open Access)
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Conference proceedings

  1. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Gamma-Ray Bursts' Prompt Light Curves
    M. Tarnopolski
    XLI Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society, 11-15 September 2023; Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, 13, 87, 5 pp., 2024
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  2. Comprehensive power spectral density analysis of the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray light curves of selected blazars
    N. Żywucka, M. Tarnopolski, V. Marchenko & J. Pascual-Granado
    Proceedings of the High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa 2021 (HEASA2021), 13-17 September 2021; Proceedings of Science, 401, 008, 6 pp., 2021
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  3. Periodicity Analysis of Mrk 501 and Mrk 421 in Gamma Rays
    R. Iotov et al.
    Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Rays Conference (ICRC2021), Berlin (Germany), 12-23 July 2021; Proceedings of Science, 395, 879, 8 pp., 2021

  4. Optical variability modelling of newly identified blazar candidates behind Magellanic Clouds
    N. Żywucka, M. Tarnopolski, M. Böttcher, Ł. Stawarz & V. Marchenko
    Proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII (HEPRO VII), Barcelona (Spain), 9-12 July 2019; Proceedings of Science, 354, 026, 8 pp., 2020
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  5. Analysis of the duration–hardness ratio plane of gamma-ray burst with skewed distributions
    Proceedings of the 12th INTEGRAL conference, Geneva (Switzerland), 11-15 February 2019; Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 90(1-2), 45, 4 pp., 2019

Under review/submitted


  1. Modeling the price of Bitcoin with geometric fractional Brownian motion: a Monte Carlo approach (official arXiv logo green arXiv logo)