„Security in V4 constitutions and political practices”
Standard Grant No. 21510444
The current situation in the eastern neighbourhood of the V4 indicates the importance of security and the necessity of cooperation in terms of security challenges. It has resulted in development of the V4 Defence Cooperation. The project aims to analyse the constitutional regulations concerning security perceived subjectively (security of the state, a citizen, a man, a consumer or an employee) and objectively (internal, external, environmental, energy-related, economic and demographic). The analysis will enable cognition of the V4 neighbouring countries’ laws and determination of the similarities, differences and gaps occurring in the constitutions of the countries concerned. The Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic were the first countries that adopted new democratic constitutions in the region. Security issues were barely regulated in these constitutions which mainly focused on the rights of the individual. The security details were included in the laws. Poland has a more extensive regulation included in its Constitution of 1997. The Hungarian Constitution of 2011 regulates security issues in detail. It is therefore necessary to consider whether their scopes were recognized correctly and if they allow the authorities to flexibly react to emerging threats. The research result on the constitutional security will consist in development of a common, unified and comprehensive approach to solving crisis situations in the V4 area. The need of such research is related to the V4 Defence Cooperation and includes changes to the constitutional norms. It is important due to the significant differences in political practice in relation to the military conflict occurring in the immediate vicinity of the V4. The project „Security in V4 constitutions and political practices” will concern the recognition of security in the V4 constitutions, the ability of these regulations to react to the conflicts increasing in Central and Eastern Europe, and the legal assessments of new forms of confrontational actions against a potential aggressor.The research results will be addressed to V4 scholars (lawyers and political scientists). The analysis will be conducted in national languages. The research topic may generate an international interest because the research deliverables will be developed in English in the form of summaries and comparative conclusions. The project outputs will also be addressed to the politicians involved in security at the national, regional (V4) and international (NATO, EU) level. The project is also located within the research carried out by military structures and relates to the proper preparation of legislative measures. Considering the expected demands for legislative changes, national parliaments and other relevant bodies will be interested in the results of the research as well.
The results of the research project will be published in the form of monograph. The volume of the monograph is planned to cover 20 printing sheets with a circulation of 300 pieces. A workshop is planned during the preparation of the research results. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the key issues that will arise in research process. The research results will also be presented at an open international conference (Toruń, 22-23 April 2016) with the participation of all the project partners. It is also planned that detailed research results will be published in the key scientific periodicals.
The project will hopefully contribute to development of civil society and the deepening of the V4 citizens’ awareness concerning the V4 previous activity and the role that this organization may play in the future, especially in the field of security.