In 2009 we launched international observing campaigns which are dedicated to detecting and characterising signals of transit timing variation for carefully selected transiting exoplanets. We base on collaboration within the framework of the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative (YETI). The programme is realised by collecting data from 0.4–2.6-m telescopes spread worldwide at different longitudes. Observers or teams of observers, who contribute or try to contribute, become co-authors of a paper ending each campaign.

How to contribute?

Just try to observe a complete transit light curve during our campaign. A complete light curve is: at least 1 hour of out-of-transit monitoring + ingress + flat bottom + egress + again at least 1 hour of out-of-transit monitoring. Observations should be collected in a band in which an instrument is most sensitive. R and I bands are recommended to minimise atmospheric extinction and limb darkening effects. Exposure times should be not shorter than 20-30 s, recommended value is 40-50 s. Telescope defocusing may be used to avoid saturation. The exposure time should be the same during a run or at least during ingress and egress. Make sure that time survey from a clock of a CCD controlling computer is correct (±1 s). Any web time software is enough to synchronise clocks before starting observing.

How to prepare observations?

The Exoplanet Transit Database offers a great tool which allows you to list transits available from your observatory. Just go to Transit Prediction and enter east longitude and latitude or click on the planet at the left and then Show transit predictions for next 365 days. Do not forget to add 1 hour before and after a transit for out-of-transit observations. In the case of any problems, a PI of a given campaign will be happy to assist you.


If you wish to join our project, please contact us for details: