Stanisław Białogłowicz   Łukasz Huculak   Janusz Kaczmarski   Piotr Klugowski   Paweł Lewandowski-Palle   Magdalena Rabizo-Birek
Mirosława Rochecka   Kazimierz Rochecki   Aleksandra Simińska   Joanna Stasiak   Wiesław Szamborski   Krzysztof Wachowiak


The 5th Polish Painting Forum, called The Nature Of Things, was organised in a different way than previously and was held in a new venue: the villa "Magija" owned by Magda and Janusz Demkowicz in Orelec, located in a picturesque area at the foot of Żukowa mountain range. The new place provided the participants of the Forum who live and work in big cities - with an atmosphere of seclusion and closeness to nature (stronger than in Polańczyk where previous Forums took place), which corresponded with the themes suggested for consideration and artistic interpretation by the initiators and organisers of the Forum: Mirosława and Kazimierz Rochecki.
Our hosts entertained us with a number of artistic and tourist activities. During one of the first evenings we got to know the tradition of the region, listened to folk songs of the Lemks, Boyks and Ukrainians, and heard stories about them told by Marianna Jara. The Demkiewiczs are members of a movement re-establishing the culture of the Bieszczady Mountains (Janusz, who is a musician, plays in the folk group Tołhaje, whereas Magda, a teacher of Polish, organises performances of school theatre groups).
A trip to the Bieszczady gives several dimensions. It was a reunion with beautiful, wild nature. Falcons circling noisily above our heads were our persistent companions; even the name Orelec stems from the fact that eagles used to built their nests there. While crossing the Bieszczady Loop we listened to stories about the exploits of insolent bears and wolves inhabiting the area. We climbed Połonina Caryńska to reach the mountain lodge called The House at Pooh Corner, from where we could admire despite unfavourable weather conditions including wind and rain - a panorama of the Bieszczady Mountains.
The second dimension of the meeting with the Bieszczady was historic and cultural: it was a cognitive and aesthetic trip into the past of the region: admiration for the beauty of little wooden Orthodox churches and icons and a visit to the synagogue and Jewish cemetery in Lesko as well as an open air museum of folk buildings in Sanok. Understanding the modern period in various ways is a very important aspect of this place: the history of war and post-war times in particular, which led to the extermination and exile of the indigenous population of the region due to modernisation, whose representative example is the Solina dam. We went past the execution places of the Jews, Poles and Lemks, as well as Baligród, the site of the mysterious death, in an ambush laid by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), of the communist hero, General OEwierczewski Walter. We visited the Convent of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Komańcza, where Polish cardinal Stefan Wyszyński was secluded and kept imprisoned by the communist authorities.
Therefore the Bieszczady Mountains are a place for meeting in time, space and beyond frontiers. An excursion to Medzilaborce, Slovakia with the Museum of Andy Warhol - a symbol of 20th century art was an unusual but controversial meeting. For many participants of the Forum it was the first time they had the others. Actually, a confrontation of vibrant personalities and artistic temperaments of various generations (both senior and junior) and artistic concepts proved to be fruitful but sometimes conflicting, provoking heated, night-long discussions occurred about the nature of things and art as well as about the essence of various forms and methods of creative expression.
I was under the impression that the participants of the Forum came there with various expectations: to work or rest, to contemplate or have fun, to mellow out and find inner balance but also because of curiosity and desire to discuss with others. They strived to fulfil the expectations and mounted resistance to the rules of the Forum, which is not only a plain air painting workshop but also a place of artistic and intellectual debate and an opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions. A fundamental argument arose in relation to the question: does it make sense to write and talk about art when it seems that the whole artists' "philosophy" and energy should be captured in their works: in good paintings which have their own, peculiar, "silent" language of colours, composition, artistic metaphors and symbols.
Despite understandable resistance of the Forum participants, its originator Kazimierz Rochecki has always been successful at convincing them to express their opinion on the definition, task and prospects of the existence of art. It is particularly important when, after the avant-guard search has expired, we can hear strong voices of critics and influential artists talking about the ailing condition or even death of painting, erosion of the traditional model of art and artist, which are undermined and questioned by the principles ruling the globalised and st commercialised society of the 21 century. Moreover, the existence of traditional forms of art such as painting, drawing and sculpture are endangered by the expansion of the new electronic media and kinds of art created with their assistance.
These problems were discussed in the context of the fundamental idea of the 5th Forum, which can be interpreted as "the nature of things" represented by art and painting in particular, during a popular science session closing the Forum, held in the assembly hall of the Complex of Art Schools in Rzeszów by: Krzysztof Bochenek, Jacek Kawałek, Paweł Lewandowski-Palle and Łukasz Huculak.
I was really glad to edit the texts written by the Forum guests and participants and to watch works selected by the artists to illustrate the main idea of the Forum. I am happy to discover how much of the atmosphere, discussion, experience and adventures of the September days in 2006 in Orelec, the Bieszczady Mountains and Rzeszów has been expressed in writing and painting.

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Name: Barnypok
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Name: Dorothy
E-mail: dorothybohner@moose-mail.com
Subject: The 5th Polish Painting Forum - Orelec 2006 - MAGDALENA RABIZO-BIREK - TO ACHIEVE THE RIGHT IMAGE OF THINGS...

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The 5th Polish Painting Forum - Orelec 2006